How can a science teacher help students better understand scientific phenomena through computer modeling and simulation?
With their teachers’ guidance, high school biology, chemistry, and physics students in Massachusetts and New Mexico have been strengthening their science knowledge via Science+C units. Read More
Science+C Kicks Off our 2021/22 Program!
And we’re off! Teachers participating in the 2021/22 Science+C program begin their one-week virtual summer PD today, July 26! On the agenda for the week are meeting their colleagues, program […]
Science+C Pilot Teachers Learn and Share during Day of Professional Development
On Saturday, November 7, 2020, seventeen Science+C pilot teachers gathered online for six hours of professional development (PD) to introduce computer modeling into high school science classes. The participants learned […]
New Science Pathways Will Provide Computer Science Opportunities Across the Science Curriculum
Hands-on experiments are important learning experiences in the science classroom, but what if the phenomenon is too small, too large, too slow, too fast, too expensive or too dangerous to […]
Computer Models for Simulating Phenomena
Project GUTS: Using, modifying, and creating computer models for simulating phenomena appeared in the October, 2018 edition of Science Scope. (Project GUTS Computer Models Article) Author: Raja Ridgway Summary One […]
Online PD for Computer Science Teachers
EDC and University of Oregon research and implementation related to online professional development for the Exploring Computer Science curriculum will be featured in Computing in Science Engineering: Online Professional Development […]