This page outlines the conclusions of two years of research on Science+C. Note that final data analysis is still wrapping up.
Why is this study important?
As a result of the powerful innovation and application of computing in STEM disciplines, the National Science Foundation’s STEM+C program addresses an urgent need for real-world, interdisciplinary, and computational preparation of students from the early grades through high school (preK-12). To this end, NSF awarded Education Development Center (EDC), in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the opportunity to develop and launch Science+C.
Science+C embeds computational thinking and computational skills development units within the core, high school science courses Biology, Chemistry, and Physics to interest and prepare students for future endeavors in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. In these units, students explore, decode, and modify computer models of scientific phenomenon. The Science+C units align with MA state standards in science, digital literacy, and computer science, and with the national Next Generation Science Standards. To ensure relevance to modern computational practices in STEM fields, computational scientists and experts in computational science integration guided the design.
- Positioning CS/CT in required science courses enabled all students to experience Computer Science (CS) and Computational Thinking (CT). (Prior research indicated that CS courses are either not available, or barriers such as scheduling or prior interest or background prohibit students from enrolling.)
- Decoding was novel and interesting, and made coding accessible for students.
- The structure of the lessons and modules enabled students to easily access the code.
- Visual models made it “real” for students, and helped them understand the systems, concepts, interactions and connections among variables.
- Learning that simulations can have errors or not give the full picture gave students the opportunity and agency to ask “what if” questions and modify the model to better and more accurately represent the given phenomenon. This could help students to become more critical consumers of other simulations they are presented with in the future.
- Embedding Science+C into science classrooms instilled computer science and computational thinking experiences without detrimental effects on student learning of key science concepts.
- Students not only built their CS/CT skills and thinking with Science+C, but it also provided the new ways to experience other NGSS practices, such as asking scientific questions, collecting and analyzing data, and reasoning from evidence.
- Two-thirds of the teachers in the study were able to implement at least four of the seven units into their science curriculum in a school year. Almost a third of these were able to implement all seven. Time constraints was a reason given for not implementing more.
What are the benefits to Massachusetts?
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, a partner in the Science+C development, is promoting the addition of these computational science courses into the Massachusetts educational infrastructure, with a major, statewide impact on STEM+C teaching and learning.