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Found 109 Results


a reporter that takes a number as input and reports the absolute value of that number


a Boolean (true/false) reporter that takes a set of agents and a Boolean expression as input and that reports true if all of the agents in the set report true for the input Boolean reporter and reports false if any agent of the agents would report false


a reporter that takes two Boolean (true/false) inputs and reports true if both inputs report true and reports false if either or both inputs report false


a Boolean (true/false) reporter that takes a set of agents as input and reports true if there are any agents in the set and reports false if the set is empty


a command that takes an agent or set of agents and a set of commands as input and makes each agent in the set (in random order) follow the commands


a reporter that performs the inverse tangent function by taking a coordinate pair as inputs and reporting the direction of that vector

back, bk

a command moves the turtle backward a specified number of steps


a reporter that reports a set of the two agents at the ends of the link


a keyword that takes a plural name and a singular name as input and defines a class of turtles with that name


a built-in turtle (and link) variable that stores the set of all turtles (or links) that are the same breed as the turtle (or link) calling the reporter


a command that:

  • sets all the code-defined (not slider defined) global variables to zero
  • clears the tick counter (leaving it with no value, not zero)
  • kills all the turtles
  • resets all the patch variables (including color) to their defaults
  • clears all the all lines and stamps drawn by turtles
  • clears every plot
  • clears the text from the model output area (if applicable)


a built-in turtle or link variable that reports the color of the turtle or link


a reporter that takes a set of agents as input and reports the number of agents in the set

create-link-to, create-links-to, create-link-with, create-links-with

commands that create link(s) between turtles


a command that takes a number as input and creates that number of turtles


a command that makes a turtle stop existing (stop executing code, disappear from any sets of agents it was in, terminate any links to that turtle, etc.)


a reporter that takes a turtle or patch as input and reports the distance between the current agent and the given turtle or patch.


a command takes an agent as input and turns the current agent towards that agent


a command that takes a list and a command as input and runs the command once for each item in the list

forward, fd

a command moves the turtle forward a specified number of steps


a keyword that takes one or more variable names as input and defines a new global (cross-program) variable with each name

hatch, hatch-<breeds>

a command that creates a specified number of new turtles (or turtles of a specific breed) and runs any bracketed commands (if there are any) once for each turtle (or turtles of that specific breed)


a built-in turtle variable that reports the direction that the turtle is facing


a command that makes a link invisible


a command that makes the turtle invisible


a command that takes a Boolean expression and a set of commands as input and runs the commands if the Boolean expression is true and does nothing if it is false


a command that takes a Boolean expression and two sets of commands as input and runs the first set of commands if the Boolean expression is true and runs the second set of commands if the Boolean expression is false


a reporter that takes a set of agents and a number as input and reports a new set of agents containing only the agents from the original set that are within a distance of the input number from the agent calling the reporter


a reporter that either takes an index number and a list as input and reports the item from the input list that is at the position given by the index number, or it takes an index number and a string of text as input and reports the character from the input string that is at the position given by the index number

left, lt

a command that takes a number as input and turns the turtle left that number of degrees


a command that takes a variable and a value as input and creates a new local (limitedly-available) variable and sets its value to the inputted value


a reporter that reports the set of all turtles connected by a link to the turtle calling the reporter


a reporter that reports a set of all the links


a reporter that takes some values as input and reports a single list containing all of those values


a reporter that takes a number and a base as input and Reports the logarithm of number in specified base


a reporter that takes a value and a list as input and adds the specified value to the end of the list and reports the new list


a reporter that takes a list of numbers as input and reports the number with the maximum value in that list


a reporter that stores the maximum x-coordinate for the world


a reporter that stores the maximum y-coordinate for the world


a reporter that takes a list of numbers as input and reports the average (mean) value of those numbers


a reporter that takes a list of numbers as input and reports the number with the minimum value in that list


a reporter that stores the minimum x-coordinate for the world


a reporter that stores the minimum y-coordinate for the world


a reporter that takes two numbers as inputs and reports the remainder when the first number is divided by the second


a command that takes an agent as input and sets the location of the agent calling the command to the same coordinates as those of the input agent


a reporter that reports a set of all the links connected to the agent calling the reporter


a reporter that takes a number and either a set of agents or a list as input and reports a randomly chosen set of agents or items the size of the input number from the input set of agents or the input list


a reporter that reports the set of four surrounding patches


a Boolean (true/false) reporter that reports true if the model is running in NetLogo Web (online) and reports false otherwise


a value that indicates that no agent was found when using one-of, max-one-of, etc.


a Boolean (true/false) reporter that takes a Boolean expression as input and reports true if the Boolean expression is false and reports false if the Boolean expression is true


a reporter that takes a reporter and an agent as input and reports the outcome of calling that reporter with that agent as input, or it takes a reporter and a set of agents as input and reports a list of the outcomes of calling that reporter with each agent in the set as input


a reporter that takes a set of agents as input and reports a random agent or takes a list as input and reports a random item from the list


a reporter that takes two Boolean (true/false) inputs and reports true if either input reports true and reports false if both inputs report false


a reporter that takes a set of agents as input and reports the same set of agents except without the agent calling the reporter


a reporter that takes a distance (a number) as input and reports the patch that is that distance ahead of the current turtle (along the turtle’s current heading)


a reporter that reports the patch under the turtle


a reporter that reports the set of agents that are patches


a keyword that defines the variables belonging to each patch


a built-in patch variable that stores the color of the patch

pen-down, pen-erase, pen-up

a command that changes turtle’s mode to drawing lines (pen-down), removing lines (pen-erase), or neither (pen-up)


a built-in turtle variable that holds the width of the line that the turtle will draw (or erase)


a command that clears the drawings made by the current pen on the plot, moves it to (0,0), and puts the pen down


a command that takes a coordinate pair as inputs and moves the current plot pen to that coordinate on the plot


a built-in patch variable that reports the x-coordinate of the patch


a built-in patch variable that stores the y-coordinate of the patch


a reporter that takes a number as input and reports a random integer between the input number and zero (including zero but excluding the input number)


a reporter that takes a number as input and reports a random decimal number between the input number and zero (including zero but excluding the input number)


a reporter that reports a random x-coordinate in the world window


a reporter that reports a random y-coordinate in the world window


a reporter that reports a random x-coordinate from the allowable range


a reporter that reports a random y-coordinate from the allowable range


a command that takes a number and a set of commands as input and repeats that set of commands the specified number of times


a command takes a value as input, terminates the current to-report procedure, and reports the input value as the result of that procedure


a command that resets the tick counter to zero, sets up all plots, then updates all plots


a reporter that takes three numbers as input (one for red, one for green, and one for blue) and reports a list intaking all three values

right, rt

a command that takes a number as input and turns the turtle right that number of degrees


a reporter that reports this turtle, patch, or link; it means “me”


a command that takes a variable and a value as input and sets the value of the variable to the inputted value


a command that takes a plot name as input and makes that plot the current plot


a command that takes a type of agent and a shape as input and sets the default shape for new agents of that type to the specified shape


a command that runs the setup commands for each plot


a command that takes an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate as input and sets the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the turtle to these values, respectively


a built-in turtle and link variable that stores the name of the shape of the turtle or link


a command that takes a value as input and prints that value in the Command Center


a command that makes the turtle visible


a built-in turtle variable that reports the size of the turtle


a reporter that takes a set of agents and a reporter as input and reports a new list of the same agents sorted by the value of calling that reporter with each agent

sprout, sprout-<breeds>

a command that takes a number and sometimes a set of commands as input and creates that number of new turtles (or turtles of a specific breed) with random colors and facing random directions on that patch. If a set of commands is included as input, each of the new turtles run those commands.


a reporter that takes a number as input and reports the square root of that number


a command that makes the agent exit immediately from the enclosing procedure or command


a reporter that takes an angle (a number) as input and reports the tangent of that angle


a command that advances the tick counter by one and updates all the plots


a reporter that reports the current value of the tick counter


a command that connects two agents where one or both is the “root” and the other (or both) is the “leaf;” when the root moves, the leaf moves the same amount and when the root turns, the leaf turns the same amount and rotates the same amount around the root

to … end

keywords that begin and end procedures

to-report … end

keywords that begin and end reporter procedures


a reporter that takes a number of inputs (turtles, sets of agents, lists, etc.) and reports set containing all of the turtles in any of the inputs


a reporter that reports the set of all turtles

turtles-here, <breeds>-here

a reporter that reports the set of all turtles (or turtles of a specific breed) in the patch where the reporter is called


a reporter that takes a set of agents (patches or turtles) as input and reports a set of all the turtles that are on (or standing on) the same patch(es)

turtles-own, <breeds>-own

a keyword that defines the variables belonging to each turtle or breed of turtles


a command that runs the update commands for each plot


a command that takes a number as input and pauses all program activity for that number of seconds


a command that takes a reporter and a set of commands as input and runs the commands repeatedly as long as the reporter reports true; if the reporter ever reports false, it stops repeating the commands


a built-in turtle variable that reports the built-in turtle ID number


a reporter that takes a set of agents and a Boolean expression as input and reports a new set of agents containing only the agents from the original set that report true for the Boolean expression


a built-in turtle reporter that stores the x-coordinate of the turtle


a built-in turtle reporter that stores the y-coordinate of the turtle